How to Upload Pages to Google Docs

Maybe you lot've been using various tools in your Google Bulldoze for some time, but accept y'all tried to add a page in a Google Md? How almost adding a header or page number? Google Docs is packed total of functions, but you may not exist enlightened of all of the formatting options it offers. In this commodity, we'll look at some of the key functions that will make your documents look their best.

10 Google Docs Tips & Best Practices

one. Calculation a Page

As you add content to your Google medico, pages are automatically added to the finish. If you want to insert a new page inside the certificate, kickoff identify your cursor where yous desire the page inserted. Click the Insert menu, navigate to Interruption, then choose Page Pause.

add a page in google docs

Alternatively, you can place your cursor where you want the interruption, the press Command + Enter to insert the folio suspension.

2. Calculation Folio Numbers

From the Insert bill of fare, choose Folio Numbers. From in that location yous tin can select your numbering preference using the folio icons. Choices are

  • Place number in the header or footer, right side simply.
  • Number every folio, including the first page.
  • Don't number the commencement page.

adding page numbers in google docs

Click the icon that represents your choice from the options above. If you want to manually set those options, or want to offset your numbering at a number other than one, cull More Options from the Numbering submenu to brand those changes.

iii. Adding Fonts

Your font listing is bachelor in a drop-down listing in your tiptop editing toolbar. Numerous default fonts are bachelor, simply if yous want to explore others click the More Fonts option.

adding fonts in google docs

This will display a Fonts carte du jour with several options for sorting to find the specific font you want to use, or you lot can enter the font name in the search box. To add your font to your list, cheque the proper noun of the font in the list, and then click OK to add it.

searching for fonts in google docs

When yous render to your top editing toolbar, yous should see the new font in the dropdown list.

font list in google docs

iv. Adding a Table of Contents

At that place are two options for your Tabular array of Contents. You lot tin can display a sidebar for navigation or add an actual Table of Contents to the document.

Your heading settings in your document will determine the layout of your Table of Contents. Heading 1 will exist the top line of the Tabular array of Contents, with subheadings listed underneath. Before y'all decide on an in-document display or sidebar navigation, make sure you take these gear up. For more than on that, encounter this page.

To create a navigation sidebar, choose the Add-ons carte choice, and select Get add-ons.

add-on tool in google docs

In the window that appears, search for Table of Contents. Cull the option you desire, and so click Install.

table of contents add-on in Google Docs

install add-on in Google Docs

Once installed, the Table of Contents will display on the right side of your document.

table of contents add on in Google Docs

If you decide you don't want to show the sidebar, yous tin click the X in the upper-correct corner of the sidebar to close it. To display information technology over again, go back to the Add-ons menu. The installed add-on volition be in your add-on list, and yous tin can select it again.

To add a Table of Contents into the document, place your cursor where you desire the tabular array to display. Choose the Insert menu, and then select Table of Contents. From this option, yous tin choose whether or not to include the folio numbers with the tabular array.

table of contents inside a Google Doc

Once you make your selection, the table will display where you placed your cursor. You will need to manually update the Tabular array of Contents as you add content to your document. To practice this, become dorsum to the Table of Contents and click the refresh icon.

refresh table of contents in Google doc

v. Checking Your Word Count

Discussion count is an important tool for many users of Google Docs. This part tin exist plant under the Tools Card. When you choose Give-and-take Count, the widget that appears will show the discussion count and several others:

word count in google docs

word count menu in Google Doc

If you want to go along runway of your give-and-take count as yous work in your document, cheque the "Display word count while typing" box. The word count will display in a box in the lower-left corner of your screen as yous go along to work.

six. Irresolute Page Margins

To modify the size of your margins, cull the File menu, then select Page Setup.

page set up in Google docs

From the carte that appears, you tin gear up the margin size to your liking also as change the folio orientation, page size and/or folio color.

Page Setup menu in Google Docs

Click Ok to save your changes, and your document volition automatically adjust to the new settings.

vii. Inserting Headers and Footers

Headers and footers can be useful reference points for you and your readers. Y'all can include the title and folio number or fifty-fifty indicate "Terminal Updated" to indicate how recently the document was edited.

To include a Header or Footer, select the Insert card and then the Header and Footer option.

Header and Footer option in Google Doc

Cull the option you want, and a template section for the header/footer volition appear on your page.

Header and Footer editing in Google Doc

Type the content y'all want in the header/footer. You tin edit the text in the header using the same tools you use for the content in the torso of your document. From the header/footer format bar, you lot can click the bank check box to remove the header from the first folio of the certificate or click the Options drop-downwards to conform the margins and display.  Click Apply to salve your changes.

To exit the header section, click dorsum into your document.

8. Spelling and Grammer Check

Checking your spelling and grammer before sharing or publication is essential. Luckily, Google Docs makes it easy to track errors and suggestions every bit you lot write. To enable these features, choose the Tools menu, and then select Spelling and Grammar.

Spelling and grammar check in Google Doc

From the submenu that appears, you can cull Spelling and grammer check to run a check at the moment, or you can select "Show spelling/grammar suggestions" to get those suggestions in the document equally yous work. With these options checked, errors in your document will be indicated with a colored, squiggled line. Spelling errors are underlined in carmine, grammar errors in blue.

ix. Uploading a Give-and-take Document into Google Docs

If you've created a certificate in Microsoft Word but now want to work with and share as a Google Doc, you can hands upload information technology to your Google Drive.

Open up your Google Drive and click New. Choose File Upload to choose files from your local computer drive.

File upload in Google Drive

Choose your Word certificate, and click to open it.  This action uploads your document into Google Drive. One time it'southward uploaded, information technology may open in Google Docs, but volition even so exist labeled equally a .md or .docx file type.

Word doc uploaded into Google Docs

To save it as a Google Doc, choose the File menu, then use the Save as Google Docs choice.

Save as Google Docs option

10. Google Docs Shortcut Keys

It's almost efficient to keep your easily on the keys when working in Google Docs. Here are commonly used shortcut keys to help with that:

google docs shortcut keys

For a more comprehensive list of Mac, PC, Android, iPhone, and iPad shortcuts, come across this folio.

In Closing

These main tips and shortcuts can help you piece of work more efficiently in Google Docs and ensure your documents are easy to navigate and reference. For more than comprehensive training and help using Google Docs meet this page from Google Support.

If you've used these functions we want to hear well-nigh your experience! What other functions have yous found helpful? Tell u.s. in the comments.

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