the Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High-quality Units Review

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 · 253 ratings  · 22 reviews
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Pete Jurchen
Aug thirteen, 2013 rated it information technology was amazing
This book actually will only entreatment to those who have read one or more of the UbD theory books. If you haven't, go back and read the main book, Understanding by Design, and go the authors' gists. If yous accept read the background stuff, and are interested in using it, this is an INVALUABLE resource. It gives step-by-footstep actions to create a deep system of goals and objectives, followed up past great considerations for assessment rationale and as well some guidance for how to structure motivation behind This book really volition only appeal to those who have read one or more of the UbD theory books. If you oasis't, go back and read the main book, Agreement by Design, and get the authors' gists. If you take read the background stuff, and are interested in using information technology, this is an INVALUABLE resources. It gives footstep-past-footstep actions to create a deep organization of goals and objectives, followed up by great considerations for assessment rationale and besides some guidance for how to structure motivation behind learning activities. Information technology is really just a great system for creating an impressive skeleton for a unit that can be filled with meaningful and purposeful assessments and activities. The fastened pdf, with spaces to make full in the blanks, makes this into a workbook for thorough and deep unit design. There'south no fat to trim in this book or in the system, and it'southward exactly what previous UbD books take needed to succeed. ...more than
Mar 24, 2016 rated information technology liked information technology
It will be a useful guide merely I am thinking I will need to read information technology about x more times earlier it sinks in. Mainly it feels like a lot of the sections and subsections are either redundant or and so like that it'southward extremely hard to tease out the differences among them, when you use what, if there'due south a time you tin omit a section, etc. It could definitely use more examples (in the book itself; I don't want to accept to become online to get the additional material, if I wanted to do that I'd buy t It will be a useful guide simply I am thinking I will need to read it nearly 10 more times earlier it sinks in. Mainly it feels similar a lot of the sections and subsections are either redundant or then similar that it'southward extremely difficult to tease out the differences amongst them, when y'all use what, if there'south a time you lot tin omit a section, etc. It could definitely use more examples (in the book itself; I don't want to have to go online to get the additional cloth, if I wanted to practise that I'd purchase the ebook version.) ...more
Feb 02, 2022 rated it it was amazing
This volume has beautiful examples of how to move our learning procedure away from 'content-coverage' and 'action-based teaching' to i where our knowledge is applied fluidly in all new situations. Aureate. This volume has beautiful examples of how to motility our learning process away from 'content-coverage' and 'activity-based teaching' to ane where our knowledge is practical fluidly in all new situations. Gilded. ...more than
Apr 25, 2011 rated it really liked it
If you accept a strong agreement of UBD, this is an outstanding guide for those working in curriculum design. For the boilerplate teacher, it might be a bit overwhelming. I peculiarly enjoyed having the admission to digital downloads from the guide where I could take notes and apply the process to my own work.
Jul 14, 2012 rated it it was amazing
I am so excited to be using this book to guide our TEAM lesson plan template. This has some first-class instructional modules on basic elements and concepts that are sequenced for constructivist teaching practices. I am then impressed with how easy this text is for usage with undergrads, graduate students and teaching practitioners. Highly recommended!
Marissa Lauren
Jun 01, 2018 rated it really liked it
Great unit plan design and good examples. It felt a lilliputian repetitive, but very informative.
Key ideas:
3 types of learning: acquisition, meaning, and transfer
Backwards design in 3 steps: place desired results, decide what the evidence will exist to demonstrate the desired results (learning objectives), and plan learning experiences and educational activity that assistance scaffold the information then students are able to complete the tasks that show the desired results.
Anne Martin
Aug 01, 2021 rated it actually liked information technology
I read this for piece of work PD Prep. Read if you like learning nigh curriculum design and especially if y'all're helping other teachers implement a backwards design. I read this for work PD Prep. Read if you like learning about curriculum blueprint and especially if you lot're helping other teachers implement a backwards design. ...more
Mar 18, 2019 rated it liked it
This is a small book with big ideas. I will have to revisit my highlights every bit I increasingly make my learning units better.
Maggie Brill
Sep 09, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Very interesting arroyo to teaching. I call up putting it into practice may exist hard at first merely will definitely result in more than prepared students.
Kim Benouski
Jul 31, 2019 rated information technology really liked it
This was very clear, and I like backwards design. It has practiced tips and charts. I but read it eight years after it came out and feel it needs some updating.
Mar 30, 2021 rated it really liked it
Very piece of cake to empathize and implement. Great way to expect at your units differently and improve them.
Sep 30, 2011 rated it actually liked information technology
This seems to be an amazing mode to program meaningful learning experiences for students. It begins witha question and and then starts at the end and works backwards. It really makes lesson planning a like shooting fish in a barrel (if you can believe that) equally your goals are already set out for a iii calendar week fourth dimension frame, as well as what assessments you plan to use. Information technology takes some getting used to merely it is worth the time to attempt information technology out.
James Purkis Purkis
This book contained well explained processes to agreement the dissimilar aspects of UBD. I establish the new version of the template more user friendly and the worksheet online and in the volume helped with my planning and clarifying key ideas. A useful companion to the Backwards by Pattern book with lilliputian unnecessary repetition of ideas/content.
Brooke Nadzam
Jun sixteen, 2016 rated it actually liked it
I've read about UbD before--what educator hasn't? What this book does well is help people to write the lesson plans. It is broken up into modules, and each says something like, "If you're struggling with '10', than read this module. If non, skip it". I appreciated that. I've read almost UbD before--what educator hasn't? What this book does well is help people to write the lesson plans. It is broken upwards into modules, and each says something similar, "If you're struggling with 'ten', than read this module. If non, skip it". I appreciated that. ...more
Leanna Aker
Sep 15, 2016 rated information technology really liked it
The third book I've read on UbD. This is the Cliff Notes version, and probably a better starting place than the outset two books I've read. Solid principles of instruction. The third volume I've read on UbD. This is the Cliff Notes version, and probably a better starting place than the first two books I've read. Solid principles of instruction. ...more
May 02, 2016 rated it actually liked information technology
Very informative companion to the expanded UbD edition. I am looking forwards to partnering this pattern with the data literacy threshold concepts. Wish me luck!
Michael Palmer
A fantastic guide to planning inquiry based units of study. I take been inspired to create a visual representation of the major steps in planning loftier quality units.
Carlene Walter

A practical guide for those who have a strong understanding of UBD. The digital downloads from the guide are helpful templates for applying UBD.
February 24, 2014 rated it liked information technology
This book was a little droll for me. It went on and on about designing lesson plans.

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